Jamaica Kidney Kids Foundation is a nonprofit organization registered in July 2012 dedicated to improving the care of children with kidney disease. The Directors of this Foundation are: Dr. Maolynne Miller, Mr. Williams Tavares-Finson, Mr. Craig Chin, Mr. Andrew Cocking, Ms. Erin Hayle and Mrs. Trudy Francis.
Our Mission
To improve the care of children with kidney disease, focusing on:
Kidney Failure Care
Education in Paediatric Kidney Disease
Patient Care
JKKF Accomplishments:
What have we been up to?
Children Directly Under JKKF Care
We now directly provide supplies for:
6 children under the age of 16 years:
Two on haemodialysis and four (4) on peritoneal dialysis
Two children received peritoneal dialysis at home
One of these lives in Montego Bay
Patients with acute kidney problems who cannot afford desperately needed medication or tests
Outreach clinics in for children with kidney disease:
Mandeville Regional Hospital – Mandeville: 2013-2014
Cornwall Regional Hospital – Montego Bay: 2013 – present
The Cornwall Regional Hospital Clinic is held on the 3rd Wednesday of each month and serves about 12 children each month- a total cohort of at least 60 children from St. James and parishes in Western Jamaica.