
The Jamaica Kidney Kids Foundation donates a computer.
We love to help! 🤲🏽🤲🏽 The Jamaica Kidney Kids Foundation donated a computer and external CD drive to Dr Sandrica Young -Peart for use by the paediatric nephrology service at Bustamante Hospital

Great Care for Little Kidneys Everywhere
IPNA approves Sister Centre Program between Children’s National Hospital, Washington DC and Cornwall Regional Hospital to develop peritoneal dialysis there especially for newborns. The training from this partnership will benefit Cornwall Regional Hospital directly, but Jamaica’s two other Paediatric Centres: University Hospital of the West Indies and the Bustamante Hospital for Children will also benefit indirectly. This is an amazing achievement.

Elite Diagnostics Imaging Services Ltd continues to offer special x-rays for free to paediatric kidney patients in need.
Elite Diagnostics Imaging Services Ltd continues to offer special x-rays for free to paediatric kidney patients in need. Microlabs Limited has also partnered with us long term, providing expensive lab tests for children with kidney failure at affordable rates that the JKKF covers.

The Chase Fund and Paediatric Peritoneal Dialysis
The May / June 2021 the CHASE Fund grant of $8million JAD continues to ensure that peritoneal dialysis for children will continue for over a year!

Congratulations Alia Atkinson!
JKKF heartily congratulates you on your stellar career in swimming. We are honoured to have you as our patron and appreciate your kindness to our Kidney Kids. May God bless you in this new phase of your life.

Donations from Coldfield Manufacturing Ltd.
In January 2021, donations from Coldfield Manufacturing Ltd, Super Valu Supermarket and Super Value Fresh Foods, Wisynco Group Ltd and Facey Commodity Ltd. amounting to about $1.2million JAD allowed us to continue our supply of dialysis consumables to the UHWI paediatric dialysis unit.
JKKF Accomplishments 2012-2014
- Â Helping to establish paediatric dialysis across the island
- Â Donation of equipment to dialysis facilities
- Â Training of staff in paediatric dialysis
- Â Training Paediatric nephrologists for major hospitals in Jamaica
- Partnering with Bustamante Hospital for Children in providing renal transplantation service for children
- Â Sending our Western Jamaica Paediatrician for training in Paediatric Nephrology in Montreal, Canada
- Â Outreach exhibitions and conferences once twice yearly in different parishes around the island
-  Major Training Workshop and Conference in paediatric kidney disease for Paediatricians – October 2016
- Â Long lasting partnerships with organizations to enable ongoing funding of our charities and stable provision of dialysis supplies for children.
Since 2014, JKKF has had an ongoing Volunteer programme for children in high school and young adults at university to obtain community service credit hours, either by assisting in the JKKF office or by a clinical rotation at the University Hospital of the West Indies teaching children with chronic kidney disease who are hospitalized and missing school. This has been tremendously successful and rewarding for the participants.
- Â Medical: Donations towards laboratory fees, transportation and medication ($188,908.60)
-  Emotional: Establishing of Jamaica Kidney Kids Family support group – for families and children with kidney disease- providing emotional support, education, counseling and fun days for children. Meetings are held monthly. Since July 2013, there has been a support group for families of children with chronic kidney disease. It is run by the mothers themselves with the paediatric nephrologist in attendance as a resource person. At the meetings concerns are voiced and addressed, and educational talks are given. Our Counsellor is Dr. Keshauna Ferguson, who freely gives of her time and expertise.
- Â Applying for wheelchairs for two children on dialysis
- Hospital support
- Â Donation of dialysis supplies and equipment to the University Hospital of the Wet indies (UHWI) ($5,423,900.00)
- Â Establishment of paediatric renal clinics at the Cornwall Regional Hospital (Montego Bay) and Mandeville Regional Hospital with the active involvement of hospital paediatricians and run by JKKFL paediatric nephrologist as a voluntary contribution towards the care of children with kidney disease. Since July 2013, JKKF has been holding rural paediatric renal clinics once per month in collaboration with the Departments of Paediatrics at Cornwall Regional and the Mandeville Regional Hospitals; the first Friday each month (Mandeville) and the third Wednesday per month (Montego Bay). This has enabled patients to access specialist care without the expense of travel to the paediatric renal clinics in Kingston at the University Hospital of the West Indies and the Bustamante Hospital for Children. Prompt attention and treatment and earlier detection of kidney disease have resulted.
-  Paediatric kidney outreach centres at May Pen, St. Ann’s Bay, Annotto Bay, Sav La Mar with patients managed directly by local paediatricians guided by Kingston paediatric Nephrologists – email and telephone communication.
- Â The plans for construction of a paediatric haemodialysis unit had to be abandoned as it was unaffordable and more urgent needs (e.g. the ongoing procurement of dialysis supplies, and educational funding) became apparent). Money collected has been diverted to these areas.
- October 2013: Paediatric Chronic Kidney Disease Workshop and Outreach
- In partnership with Issa Trust Foundation and Couples Resort
- Workshop: Ocho Rios
- Training paediatricians island wide in the detection and treatment of children with chronic kidney disease
- Outreach:
- Visits to hospitals in Montego Bay, May Pen, Mandeville, St. Ann and Kingston teaching nursing, Ward and emergency room staff about management of children with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)
- Result: increased awareness of CKD, earlier detection and prevention of progression
- October 2014: First Jamaican Paediatric Nephrology Conference
- Held in Kingston
- Educating General Practitioners, Nurses, Paediatricians and medical students on common problems in paediatric kidney disease
- Sponsors:
- National Commercial Bank
- GraceKennedy
- Sagicor
- Knutsford Court
- Wisynco
- International Paediatric Nephrology Association (IPNA)
- Nestle Jamaica Limited
- Carimed
- Abbott
- March 2013, 2014 and 2015: Annual Public Exhibition during World Kidney Week
- Informing the general public on the recognition of kidney disorders in children and distribution of educational material on this subject
- Held at Sovereign Centre, in Kingston
- May 2015: First Montego Bay Kidney Kids Conference and Workshop
- Common problems in paediatric nephrology
- May 2015: Public Exhibition at Bay West Shopping Centre
- Improving the awareness of the public in Montego Bay about kidney disease in children
- Public education:
- Radio interviews, public exhibitions.
- There is a shortage island wide of paediatric nephrologists and training in paediatric kidney disease is not locally available so JKKF, in collaboration with the Montreal Children’s Hospital, has started a Scholarship Fund to enable local paediatricians obtain such training. Jamaica Kidney Kids Foundation Scholarship for training in Paediatric Kidney Disease
- 2014: First Scholarship winner , Dr. Rebecca Thomas, returns 2016 to UHWI
- 2015: Second Scholarship winner, Dr. Nadia McLean, is currently training to return as Paediatric Nephrologist for Western Jamaica at Cornwall Regional Hospital (CRH)
- Training of Paediatricians in the care of children with chronic kidney disease: To reduce non compliance with attendance at Paediatric Nephrology (Kidney) clinics in Kingston, by enabling patients to visit their local hospital and receive kidney care from trained paediatricians guided by the Kingston Paediatric Nephrologists.
- Paediatric Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)Workshop – Ocho Rios –October 2013. Fifteen paediatricians and 4 paediatric residents from 12 hospitals across the island were trained in basic paediatric nephrology as it relates to CKD care.
- Hospital visits to six hospitals across Jamaica educating 30-40 medical personnel per venue on recognition and management of kidney disease.
- The Workshop and Outreach had direct contact with about 220 physicians and medical personnel. It is hoped that this will translate into the training of at least 3 other doctors within each hospital. Twenty eight talks were given over the 7 day period.
- In these events we were partnered with The Issa Trust Foundation and the International Pediatric Nephrology Association and Couples Resort Ocho Rios. There were 6 paediatric nephrologists involved – 3 international and 3 local.
- Printing of educational material and CD’s on paediatric chronic kidney disease (CKD) for distribution to paediatricians, paediatric residents and medical students
- On site education of doctors at the satellite paediatric kidney clinics in the care of children with kidney disease by visiting paediatric nephrologist
- Â Training of Paediatric Nephrologists for Jamaica- Jamaica Kidney Kids Foundation Ltd. Scholarship Fund
- Finding Paediatric Nephrology Programs for the training of 3 Jamaican paediatricians to fill the needs of Montego Bay, Bustamante Children’s Hospital and the UHWI over the next 3-5 years
- Assisting candidates to get international funding through the International Society of Nephrology and the International Pediatric Nephrology Association
- The cost of the 2 year training program in pediatric nephrology is Can$144,000 per candidate
- The first candidate Dr. Rebecca Thomas is to start training in July 2014 at the Montreal Children’s Hospital if the funding for the two years can be obtained in time. We need Can$72,000 for her second year as we have already sourced the first year’s cost.
- Establishing links with the paediatric nephrology training programs at Montreal Children’s Hospital, and the Hospital for Sick Children in Canada for ongoing education and support
- Â Training of Nurses and Doctors in paediatric peritoneal dialysis:
- Working with the Dialysis nursing staff at the UHWI in holding a weeklong workshop and training program in paediatric peritoneal dialysis for nurses at UHWI and the Bustamante hospital for children in June 2013 at the UHWI.
- Maintaining international links:
- With the paediatric nephrologists in Puerto Rico and Iowa for educational support and equipment donation
- With the ALLANEPE (ALANEPE (AsociaciĂłn Latinoamericana de NefrologĂa Pediátrica) the Paediatric Nephrology Association of Latin America