As a small non profit organization, JKKF relies greatly on our volunteers. From assisting us at public events, transporting medical supplies and performing administrative duties, your time and effort substantially contribute to our success.
Young adults can also obtain community service credit hours, and volunteers under 18 years old will need written consent from a parent, as well as (if necessary) approval from their school.
To become a volunteer please sign up through our mailing list button on the right and you will receive a confirmation email with a form to be completed and returned to us, at your earliest convenience, via email ([email protected]), or in person to our office at 8 Carvalho Drive, Kingston 10.
Before all events, volunteers are invited to participate via email and are required to come to an orientation session to learn about the JKKF and about kidney health. Volunteers can also assist by visiting the University Hospital of the West Indies in a clinical rotation, teaching children with chronic kidney disease who are hospitalized and missing school. Those interested in this opportunity will need to indicate this separately to fill out an additional form, and provide a photo ID.
Our volunteer group is so valuable to us, because each person has found a way to help us in whatever capacity they can.
For more information, please contact us; 876-832-5805, 876-754-5776. 876-391-5680 (C), 876-463-5971 (C).
The volunteer form is also available here.