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Author: Jamaica Kidney for Kids Foundation

Newsletter 2024


Hi everyone!!

We are at the end of 2024. I hope you all had a great year. 

The holidays are here!! Christmas is a time of love, joy and togetherness. Christmas is also a time to show your appreciation for the people who have helped, supported or guided you.

The Jamaica Kidney Kids Foundation would like to thank you to everyone who has assisted or supported us throughout the year. We immensely grateful for your donations, whether financial, in gifts or with your time. Your contributions have helped to grow our Foundation and help us to continue our mission of not letting children in Jamaica die from kidney disease because of poverty.

May your homes be filled with love and warmth this Christmas, and as we head into a new year, let’s look back at the year we are leaving behind and be thankful for the new memories.

May your 2025 be filled with joy, peace and abundance as we remain hopeful of the opportunities and surprises to come.

Have a great Christmas!

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Growth & Jobs | Jamaican diaspora commits support for JKKF, craft artist

MEMBERS OF the Jamaican diaspora have committed their support to the Jamaica Kidney Kids Foundation (JKKF) and small craft business JunlynArtz to help move their operations forward.

JKKF, a registered charity organisation helping to improve the lives of children diagnosed with kidney disease, and JunlynArtz, a handmade resin and lumber small craft business, were booth neighbours inside the 10th Biennial Jamaica Diaspora Conference marketplace in June. Both booths were supported by the JN Group.

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Newsletter – 2024


“Life is about creating new opportunities,
not waiting for them to come to you.” – Salma Hayek

Hello everyone!!

Hi Everyone! I know it’s been a while. It has been a busy year, but we are back to provide a full review of all you missed in 2023. Before that, we wish you all a Happy New Year and may 2024 be filled with non-stop love, blessings, opportunities and joy for you and your families.

The Jamaica Kidney Kids Foundation would also like to issue a big thank you to all of our donors, volunteers and supporters throughout the years. If not for your love and support, the Jamaica Kidney Kids Foundation wouldn’t be where it is today.

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Bustamante Hospital gets peritoneal dialysis machines

Latoya Aquart-Foster (right), project manager, CHASE Fund, looks at the dialysis machine with (from left) Beverley Senior Berry, director of nursing services; Anthony Wood, CEO of Bustamante Hospital for Children; Dr Colin Abel; Dr Sandrica Young Peart, consultant paediatrician and paediatric nephrologist at Bustamante Hospital; Dr Maolynne Miller, chairperson of Jamaica Kidney Kids Foundation (JKKF), and Michelle Finnikin Campbell, acting deputy director of nursing services. Occasion was the CHASE Fund handover of two dialysis machines to the Bustamante Hospital for Children on Monday, September 4.

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Major focus on the kidney this week

MONTEGO BAY, St James — This week is being observed as World Kidney Awareness Week, and the renal dialysis unit at Cornwall Regional Hospital (CRH) has planned a host of activities geared at raising awareness of chronic kidney disease and renal failure.

This year’s World Kidney Awareness Week is being observed from March 5-11, with World Kidney Day celebrated on March 9 under the theme ‘Preparing for the unexpected, supporting the vulnerable!’

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Ayden is 1 years old. He has chronic kidney failure but is active and self confident.

Your donations help with his kidney care.

The Jamaica Kidney Kids Foundation ensures that no child dies from kidney disease because of poverty.


Desean is 9 years old. He is active and loves to play football. He has chronic kidney failture.

Your donations help with his kidney care.

The Jamaica Kidney Foundation ensures that no child dies from kidney disease because of poverty.